The word Photograph was coined from the Greek word in 1839 by Sir John Herschel. “Phos” means “Light” and “Grape” means “Drawing or Writing” which denotes the meaning “a drawing with light”.
A brief view about Photography
In the 5th Century B.C., Photography was started with a camera. In the starting period, the camera will not capture the image. It just reflects the image to another medium that too in reverse position. The first permanent photograph was shot in 1822 using the camera Obscura.
The photography trend that we follow is introduced in the 1830s in France. Joseph Nicéphore Niépce introduced the portal basic camera that captures permanent images. Modern smart cameras are advent in the period of the digital age, which works terrifically to capture the images.
What does mean by Photo Editing?
It is the process of managing photograph to alter its existing look better than the actual. For a great extent, various editing techniques are invented. Making use the Photo Editing method, one may enhance, manipulate, restore, recover, transform images.
How is Photo Editing done in the early days?
In the beginning stage of Photography, we edited photos by hand. Retouching and Airbrush are used to edit photographs in the early days. As years passed, Photo Editing Computer Programs was released that makes the editing process somewhat an easier task.
Photo Editing Softwares and Online Photo Editing tools:
Photo editing software
Picasa, Picnik, GIMP, Adobe Photoshop Express, Photoshop elements, Paint Shop Pro Photo X3, iPhoto, Bibble, ACDsee, Capture NX2, Photoshop CS5, Lightroom 3, Aperture 3, Noise Ninja, Photomatrix.
Online Photo Editing tools
Hollywood Makeover, FotoFlexer, Mag My Pic, Hair Mixer, and Aviary, Write about It, LunaPic, Photo Funny.
But, Adobe Photoshop is still dominating the Photo Editing world which was launched in 1987. Some people use the word Photoshop instead of Image Editing. That much level, it reached and proved among the users.
Why is Photo Editing needed in Photographs?
The Modern Photo Editing Technique is needed in the photographs
• To make Select the particular region in the Photograph
• To enhance the look and feel of the image
• To alter the size of the Image
• To crop an Image from the photograph
• To reduce the Noise present in the Photograph
• To remove the unwanted elements in the Photographs
• To adding Special effects to the Photographs
• To adjust the color balance in the Photographs
• To Correct the Brightness and Contrast level in the Photographs

Some of the advanced Photo Editing Techniques are listed below,
• Selective color change
• Image orientation
• Perspective control and distortion
• Lens correction
• Removing the blemishes, wrinkles
• Hair, cloth pupil, and iris color changing
• Reducing one’s weight in the Photographs
• Sharpening and softening images
• Selecting and merging of images
• Slicing of images
• Change color depth
• Gamma correction
• Color adjustments
• Image Printing
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